I'll grow old - but I won't grow up.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Oscar! Oscar!

This weekend is Oscar Weekend – time for Hollywood to spend 3.5 hours kissing its own red carpeted ass.

I actually love watching the Oscars – sure, they're a bunch of overpaid, whiny bad actors putting on fake smiles and telling the world how thrilling it was just to be nominated, but every once in a while you see something that seems genuinely...human.

And make no bones about it – given the chance to attend the Academy Awards, the lovely Mrs. G. and I would be there in a heartbeat – Governor's Ball, fancy tuxes, overpriced rental limos, designer gowns that just beg for an honest critique from Joan Rivers…you name it. We’d love every single minute of it, because it is what it is: The Ultimate Schmooze-fest. It's always been a dream of mine to attend the Oscars, and who knows - if I ever get off my butt and actually write an award-worthy screenplay, it might happen someday. Hey, if Matt Damon can win....

Alas – I’ll be on my couch in Sioux City and nowhere near Hollywood when the Big Show starts Sunday evening. (My invitation must’ve been lost in the mail, huh?) . But have no fear – I plan on live blogging the entire ceremony, start to finish. That’s right; a real time running commentary on all things Oscar worthy from your old pal Tommy. Just think of all the questions I’ll be able to answer – LIVE.

* Which actor has the worst phony front row laugh?
* Which actor/actress had the worst facelift of 2006?
* Who refuses to take their sunglasses off indoors this year? (Yes, Jack – I’m talking to you.)
* Which celebrity proves that “Reading is Fundamental” when it comes to squinting at the teleprompter?
* Does Jon Stewart dare to introduce Uma Thurman and Oprah Winfrey?
* Did a crying actor get the hook and the musical cue after four minutes of babbling on about something nobody outside of his talent agency care about?
* Did Geena Davis wear another unfortunately see-through dress?
* Does anyone really not get the deeper lyrics of “It’s Hard Out Here Bein’ A Pimp”?
* Did they give the technical guys back their dignity and let them walk up to the stage this year?
* How many Revlon ads can you possibly cram into 3 hours?
* How many Brokeback Mountain jokes can you possibly cram into 3 hours?
* How many shots of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes can you possibly cram into 3 hours? (Hint: One is too many.)

But the biggest question of all…

Will it be worth it?


So check back here Monday AM, bleary-eyed and still wearing your Versace from the night before, for all the fun scoop. Because in my envelope, you’re all winners.

But remember – it actually IS an honor just to be nominated.


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