I'll grow old - but I won't grow up.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bye, George

In this time of troubling economic news, I hate to hear of anyone losing their job. Except for maybe this guy.

Yes, thank God that this man and the dumbass things he does is going on unemployment in about 48 hours from now. Now the only things he'll be able to screw up are the shrubs in his front yard.

I've never been a fan of W. (Gee, can you tell?) In fact, I made a living for a while bashing this dope and his stupidity. And of all the hate mail I got over the years, not one ever criticized me for calling him what he was: The Worst. President. Ever.

They say you can judge a leader's time in office with one simple question: Are you better off now than before he took office? Well, lemme think....

I don't think there's anyone this side of Halliburton who can answer that question "Yes". Certainly not anyone with a 401K. Certainly not anyone from New Orleans. Certainly not the families who had sons, daughters, husbands, wifes, fathers, mothers, or good friends killed in Iraq, trying to "defend our freedom" while searching for imaginary weapons.

But now it's time for George to pack up his saddle bag of lies and ride off into the sunset. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of Washington, Dubya.

I wish you a long and boring retirement. Just keep your hands to yourself, and you'll be fine.

As for the rest of us, we're looking at a fresh start, a chance to make up for all of your incredible snafus. Barack Obama has a lot of work ahead of him, cleaning up your messes, but if anyone can do it, it's him. Why? Well, it's because Barack has more courage and skill and brains in his little finger than you & Cheney have in your entire fat heads combined. So there.

So three cheers for President Obama - may he be the leader we've so desparately needed for the past 8 agonizing years.

And George -- don't go away mad. Just go away.


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